Friday, April 2, 2010


March 31
Isaiah 55:12

For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with shalom: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Our God is a God with a plan for His creation. Everything was created for a reason. God created us in His image, and His plan for us is to live a full, joyful, creative existence. We can best do this by keeping ourselves fit and trim and healthy. God rejoices, as does all His creation, when we live up to the potential He created in each one of us. When we succeed in our dieting attempts, we take a step toward fulfilling our purpose in life, and we go forth in joy and peace which passes any earthly joy or peace. Praise the Lord.

Today's thought: Thank you, Lord, for bringing me this far!
We all face obstacles in this life, that is the way things are. And we all don't face the same obstacles, mine happens to be my weight, for another it may be drinking ,another, their temper and so forth. Rich or poor, male or female we all have   obstacle courses  in this life that is tailored just for what we each need to develop into our God given highest potential. Neither ,GOD ,nor is the 'Universe' out to get us! I believe we are here to develop into GOD's highest possiblities for us, let us each work with GOD to overcome and succeed and let us rejoice in HIS shalom today as we  we go in the power of HIS might.

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