Sunday, March 22, 2009


Do you struggle in your faith in YHWH/GOD? It may be ,that we

have unreal expectations of YHWH. We expect Him to operate in a certain way or manner and He never seems to comply , so after a while we say:"Forget it, there is no God!". But you know we can be sure of this, YHWH/GOD, DOES NOT CHANGE! Our faith in YHWH/GOD only fails when we hold a faulty understanding of HIM.

If we want our faith to increase in HIM we must increase our knowledge of HIM. Little knowledge of HIM produces little faith. Great knowledge in HIM produces great faith in HIM.

If I want a steadfast faith for healing of my body, mind and spirit, I must be rid of all the uncertainty concerning YHWH/GOD will in the matter.

Appropriating faith in YHWH/GOD can not go beyond one's knowledge of the revealed will and knowing of YHWH/GOD, which can be found within the pages of the Bible.Before we can exercise any faith we need to know what the Scriptures plainly teach about YHWH/GOD.

We tell ourselves " If only I can believe, if only I can believe!" Any attempts to push ourselves beyond what we know about YHWH/GOD and His ways is to move from faith to presumption, and I fear many of us do that. We choose to believe YHWH/GOD according to what we already know of Him and what we already know to be true from His Word. And the only time tested way to increase our faith in our CREATOR is to increase our knowledge of Him. As the object of our Faith He is infinite, the only limit to our faith is the time spent reading His word , studying His word, prayer and meditating in His word. The practical and tangible potential for our faith to grow as we endeavor to know YHWH/GOD through His word is boundless and with out limits.

It is important to understand that there is no way that we can cleverly word a prayer so that YHWH/GOD must act on our behalf, but if YHWH/GOD declares something to be true, we simply must believe Him and live according to what is true, If YHWH/GOD did not say it , there is no amount of faith that will make it so. Believing does not make YHWH/GOD'S word true, His word is true, there fore we believe it.His promises are each a revelation of what YHWH/GOD is eager to do for us, but until we know what YHWH/GOD's will is in the matter, there is nothing on which we can base our faith. It is important that our minds be renewed so as to be brought into harmony with the mind of YHWH/GOD.

Faith for the appropriation of YHWH/GOD'S promised blessings is the result of knowing and acting on HIS word (Rom.10:17). The renewed mind(Rom 12:2) is what makes steadfast faith possible to all.

"Heavenly PARENT YHWH/GOD, increase the boundaries of our faith today as we increase our understanding of YOU through the prayerful study and meditation of YOUR WORD, HOLY SPIRIT of the MOST HIGH fill us ,teach us, enable us to know You better."

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