Sunday, March 15, 2009


This life we live , some think it is all there is, we are born , we live as we choose and as we please , we die, that is all there is. I on the other hand believe that life is the birthing process, from conception (our conversion) until the day we die is all the process of Christ being formed in us. Our true birth does not take place until our Lord's return and our resurrection or our change from mortality to immortality. We are in the wilderness throughout our growth and dying to self. As a Christian our perspective should be an Eternal Perspective, in that All things that happen do so for a eternal reason, there is more to this life that merely experiencing it, there is truly a Higher purpose for our lives. To think that maybe my life and yours is an accident and that there is no reason for living but doing as you and I please then in the end of it all we die. Nothing in my mind is more awful and hopeless than to think that we are here just to live and to just exist.If that is our only purpose, how little is this kind of thinking? It takes a small mind to think such thoughts!
I know there is more to life than this, I know because I have found that indeed All things in my life has a reason and a purpose behind them, and that my purpose in this world is much more than I can get my little mind around. This kind of thinking is not that I think I am something, but that God thinks that I am, for He came down to our level and revealed His true nature to us in the life of Jesus . Jesus is our true purpose in life, and all that we encounter while in the wilderness that is our lives,is so that He, Christ will be formed in us as God was in Him. So my Eternal Perspective in life as a believer and Christian ,is that I can Know That indeed All things are of God!

Many people will say that they wished that they didn't do this in life, or that they wished they had made better choices, or that they had wasted their lives and that all their past was of no purpose......but we can know for a fact that no matter how we had lived our life, there was indeed a purpose in all that we encountered, and although we probably didn't like most of it, they all served a purpose in the Eternal scheme of things. We really do not have all the answers, there are more questions the more we learn , than when we first started, and that there is so much more to the Universe, that we are so not aware of ! We will hopefully come to the conclusion, some of us, sooner and some later, that we miss the mark , all the blasted time ,of the Glory and the perfection that is God. We are not as grand and powerful and wonderful, and smart as we think we are............. and when we realize our need, Christ will be able to fill it. So we must live with an Eternal Perspective in this life, and Know for a fact that what ever happened in the past be it good or bad, what ever happens today, and what ever happens in the future, we can be sure that God is working His plan in us through the circumstances we find ourselves in!
Romans 8:29 amplifies on this powerful truth. God will use all things, (read again it says ALL THINGS), our sins, our suffering, our failures, our successes, even our self-righteousness, ALL THINGS, for our good. And what does God deem to be for our good? It is the transformation of our souls ,of those who love Him and Christ being formed in us to all who are called according to His purpose.
Our plans and purposes that we have for our lives are much too small and pitiful to even come close to what God has purposed for us! God and His purpose for us is so much more than we can ever imagine, or even can think and comprehend.
We have heard that Christianity is not a religion and this is so true, and we have heard that Christianity is a relationship with God in Christ, but this relationship is also with His Body , the church, the believers and children of the most HIGH." Oswald Chambers said "Our Lord's words are not, 'Do this, or don't do that,' but—'Come to me." All religions are for the most part a regulatory business of telling their members what and how they must live, they tell us to do this, don't do that, wear this, don't wear that, keep the Sabbath, no keep Sunday, keep the laws , no don't ..........It is not that, it is God living in and working through us , which requires relationship and not laws to do.
May we come to the understanding that we are the purpose of God, and that everything will work out for our good, as Christ is formed in us.
May we take heart in knowing that we have a purpose and it is unfolding even as we breathe.....................
It is not for us to think small, there is so much more than we can ever imagine in store for us in the coming ages of God. God will be All and in All, and we can believe that because God has never failed.........
An eternal perspective is grounded in the belief that there is something more important than the here and now and that there is blessing in every good thing and in every bad thing that comes our way.We enter the invisible realm of eternity through God's gracious gift of faith. We are living in the age of Faith, it is what opens heavens doors, at this time . The next age, Faith will not be necessary, but in this age it is, that is how it works right now, and that is just how it is, we must determined to live this faith every moment of every day, for there is great reward for the faithful.

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