Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Genius of medieval church builders rediscovered with a crucifix that is only illuminated twice a year

It is an unforgettable moment. As the sun traverses the sky its light is suddenly focused into an intense beam which illuminates a carving of Christ on the Cross. This is not a scene from an Indiana Jones film, however, but a stirring piece of visual synchronicity that dates from medieval times. At the spring and autumn equinox, the setting sun hits a window at Holy Trinity Church in Barsham, Suffolk, and illuminates the 5ft carving for four spellbinding minutes.
The spectacle dates back to the 1300s, when the narrow window was built in the church tower, but it was lost for centuries. It was only rediscovered recently by the village church's assistant curate, the Reverend John Buchanan, who spotted it by chance. On Friday, the church was packed with visitors to witness the phenomenon on this year's spring equinox.
Mr Buchanan, 77, said: 'It is just incredible to see this brilliant shaft of sunlight illuminate Christ on the Cross. It is a magical moment and very uplifting. 'The church is in gloom as it is dusk and then all of a sudden the setting sun is in exactly the right position to shine this brilliant beam of light through the window.'It is like a searchlight. It makes the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.' The carving of Christ is on the top of a traditional rood screen, made of wood, which crosses the centre of the church.
The original screen was torn down in the 16th century following Henry VIII's split with the Roman Catholic Church.Although the screen was rebuilt in 1870 with an identical figure of Christ in the same position, the window was obscured when the vicar at the time hung a painting over it. The painting was only taken down in 1979 when a fire destroyed the nave roof. Even then, the light show went unnoticed for several more years until Mr Buchanan spotted it.
He said: 'It only happens for a few minutes so it is very easy to miss and obviously if the weather is cloudy, it doesn't happen at all. 'I began to plot the dates and realised that Christ was only lit up on the equinox. I've often wondered whether this spectacle was the work of a cunning priest trying to do a bit of magic to impress the locals.' In 1981's Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Indiana Jones, played by Harrison Ford, discovers the Ark of the Covenant - which carries the tablets of the Ten Commandments - by placing a golden disk on the top of a staff and putting it beside a model of Tanis, an ancient Egyptian city. When the sun passes overhead, it creates a beam of light which reveals that the Ark is hidden in the Well of Souls.

Posted by World Of Mysteries at 4:54 PM

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