Saturday, March 14, 2009

What have you done today, unto the Lord?

What have you done in My name today, child? Who have you sheltered or fed? How many lives have been warmed by My touch Through something you've done or said?" .

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat . . . I was a stranger and you invited me in" (Matthew 25:35).
"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?" (I John 3:17).

Living on the road as I do , since I travel with my trucker husband , I do not have a church home or church family. I don't give often to charities and I believe that when one gives, it should first be to their family, to their friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ who are in need, and to those who are in dire straights, homeless, hurting and so forth, but to those you personally come in contact with. It is OK to give to organizations if that is where you are led to give by the Spirit of God, but for the most part, I believe it should be a one on one exchange. It should be on a personal level.
I must admit my heart has not always been with the Lord, and I have strayed, and backslidden more times that not or that I really care to admit. I have more times than not, harbored more doubt than faith, more questions than answers. I struggle daily to overcome and endure and to live as a Believer, so just to let you know, I am no saint.
But the other day, the Lord gave me an opportunity to give unto Him, it wasn't much, but it was all I had on me. I don't usually carry money on the road, I leave that to my husband who is a very big man and if someone would want to take it from him, they would have to do it by force, so I let him carry the money,and buy what we need, I don't even carry my purse around because mugging is a big problem on the road, my brother who is a trucker had gotten robbed and mugged twice, once by a man with a pistol and the other a knife, so I just don't want to give an opportunity for that to happen. So the other day I had about 7 dollars that I folded up and placed in my pocket, we had stopped at a rest area to use the bathrooms, and a homeless man and his dog was sitting out side near the door, it was cold and rainy and they were looking for a ride, we cannot give rides to others , company policy, so there was nothing we could do, but I felt led to give him my money, with out my husbands knowledge, he is an unbeliever and has very hard feelings towards this kind of thing, but he does give to beggars now and again. So any way I gave it to this man, who had no front teeth, he was dirty, had long gray dirty hair, his pants 3 sizes to large for him, he looked pretty rough. I knew that God blessed me with an opportunity to give unto Him, and I am so absolutely blessed to have been able to do it and that I had placed my money in my pocket in the first place.
When giving to others we are giving to God, the word makes that very clear, and I was blessed that day that the Lord had given me this opportunity to do something, anything. I have been feeling useless and down in spirit for quite sometime, and needed to be used as a blessing to anyone.
The next day on our way back we stopped again, and he was still there no one had given him a ride, I prayed that God would take care of him that day, and I am trusting that He did.
I just wanted to relate to you all that we are given opportunities every day, if we are opened to them to be a blessing to others and to receive the blessing of being used by God to help others, and for that I am gladdened and thankful for an opportunity to do so. The Lord answered my prayer to be used as a blessing, and for a change I did not pass up this opportunity as I have done so many times in the past. Thank you Lord.

Blessings in His light

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