Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The eight points of testing

2 Corinthians 2:12-3:6

"... thanks be to God who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ ..." (v.14)

Some of the characteristics of faithfulness are honesty, reliability and a deep concern for truth. Another characteristic is the quality of carrying through on all God's commands to us -- keeping faith to the end.

To help us come through the times of testing everyone has to face at some time, the Holy Spirit builds into us the ability to see things through to the end. One writer has listed the eight fiercest tests a Christian faces in this world in this order:
 (1) Humiliation -- a savage and plausible attack on our reputation. (2) Suffering -- physical, mental or spiritual.
(3) Bereavement -- especially in relation to a loved one whose death was "untimely."
(4) Estrangement or treachery from one's family and friends.
 (5) Doubt -- deep, dark and awful.
 (6) Failure -- the breaking up of one's life work.
(7) Dereliction -- the sense of being forsaken by God.
(8) A slow, painful and unillumined death.

Not all of us have all of them to meet, but meeting any one of them can be a strong and severe test. How does a Christian triumph in the midst of such fierce testings as are listed above? Any triumph we experience at such times is the triumph of the Holy Spirit. He dwells in us, not just for the pleasure of inhabiting our beings, but to lead us to victory over all our problems. Perhaps you are being called to face one or more of these eight points of testing this very moment. Then take courage -- the Holy Spirit is with you and in you to take you through the fire and bring you out triumphant.

Prayer: Father, I am grateful that Your Spirit dwells within me to lead me through to victory. Even in my darkest trials You are there, inspiring me and causing me to triumph in all things. Thank You, Father. Amen.
For Further Study
Luke 10:19; Psa. 44:5; Rom. 8:35-37;1 John 5:4
1. What was Jesus' promise to His disciples?
2. What was Paul's gripping conviction? Steadfastness

Looking over this list it is apparent to me that every one of us goes through at least 2 of these  test or trials, if not all of them in our life time. It does not matter whether we are saved or not we all face these trials. I know that when I am going through one of these trials I look around and see that  many people 'seem' to be living a better life than I am because many  people are better at showing a good face in public. But I know for sure that no matter the mask we show in public, ALL  of us are going through one of these trials and that ,you can take to the bank. No one is exempt all of us must grow up. Those not saved are being led to the Lord, those saved are being brought through the fire and enabled to get through these trials with the aid of God's Holy Spirit.

Life is no picnic that is for sure, I struggle daily with pain, and the inability to walk without a walker or crutches, every step I take is very painful for me in my knees,hip and back, and when I use my crutches the pain in my shoulders and wrist get aggravated because of the pressure from added weight put on them while using my crutches. Each night is a battle trying to get the sleep I know I need but unable to because of pain, and now battling a cold that keeps me coughing and blowing my nose all day and night, just compounds the problem.
I am only telling you this not to seek sympathy, but,  so you know that I am a fellow traveler here on earth and I am living in and through these test daily and not someone who is always portraying perfection and constant victory in all areas of their life , I am not . The words I write here is for the most part for me to remind me of who I am and who lives in me . God is within me ,for the purpose of seeing me through these trials so that I can mature in Him ,so that I will be the person I need to be when the next age comes.
Maybe I just need more trials in my life because I need to grow up in the Lord more than I have been in the past, which probably would not be to far from the truth. But what ever the reason we are going through these test or trials, we need to stop hitting ourselves in the head over them  with fear, blame, guilt, worry or whatever the negative theme we use on ourselves and just start viewing these trials as stepping stones to the kingdom of God and rest in God's mercy to carry us up the steps.
Blessings in Christ

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