Tuesday, November 10, 2009


To be honest with ya, many times I just get real disgusted with religion and keeping the faith. Many times things just don't add up for me.To have faith with out anything experiential is truly hard. I really don't want to believe in God through some one's else's visions, dreams, study or insights. I find it hard to base my faith on a book written by men from a time and culture that I can not even relate to. Sometimes I just want to just walk away. I have been feeling this way for a long time. Today I decided to take a sabbatical from anything religious or of 'the faith' . So the first song that I hear when I turn on the radio and listen to Sirus/XM is what? Alan Jackson singing a song I have never heard him sing before,which is : A WORK IN PROGRESS, I know it must be an accident.But my blog title shows up always on days like this, it doesn't seem to matter what I may be doing, but those words will pop up out of no where , corrinky dinky isn't' it?
So here is a few lines of the lyrics:
You get tired and disgusted with me
When I can't be just what you want me to be
I still love you and I try real hard
I swear one day you'll have a brand new car
I even asked the Lord to try to help me
He looked down from heaven and said to tell you please
Just be patient I'm a work in progress
I'm sorry I got mad waiting in the truck...........

Here are some more corrinky dinks from this song that relate to me, first off I am in a semi truck right now going down the road and waiting , and trying to be patient with God and myself. My problem is when I think about something, or want to do something, I want to do it or have it yesterday, I hate waiting and my whole life seems like nothing but a big long wait. Another corinky dink is that I had a dream last night, there were a whole line of  1950's pink old cars all alike all the same make and color and only a few scratches on the sides or nicks and pings here and there that were different with each car and I was trying to choose which one to drive, and having a hard time trying to pick which car would really work, start and perform for me without a hitch. So in this song we have the words : a work in progress, car and truck. INTERESTING  isn't it?
In a dream car means:In waking life cars are vehicles of transport; a way of moving our physical bodies around. In dreams however, cars are symbols of our bodies--the vehicles which our spiritual selves use as a means of experiencing physical reality. Dreams of cars, or most precisely, dreams of what is going on with the cars are symbols of how our psyche feels about what it is experiencing in waking life.

This truly makes sense with me, it would seem that I am trying to pick the right spiritual path to ride out in my life but from the out side I don't have much to go on in picking out the right one..........or that maybe I feel there really no choice at all since they are all so much alike.?
So again I really don't get much help in this matter, still left with no answer to help me make that choice. It seems that I have read or heard others tell how God did this or that in a profound way and that is why they made the choice of religion or church or what ever. I only get dreams telling me what I am doing, but no help in what I a trying to figure out, and so it goes.
To dream the color pink:
Most people dream in colors, but at times some stand out more than others. Colors are symbolic and their symbolism is part of culture. We communicate with color and relate ideas with them. For example, a bride wears white and black is worn at funerals. Colors also represent energy. The meaning that you give to the colors in your dreams depends on the meaning that you give to those colors in daily life. If you "see red" when you are angry, then red symbolizes anger and not passion for you. Some generalizations have been made as to the meaning of colors in dreams. Pink usually symbolizes health and good feelings. It is a traditionally a feminine color, and some feel that it connotes love. Pink is soft and fuzzy, like girls!Pink represents love, joy, sweetness, happiness, affection, kindness. Being in love or healing through love is also implied with this color.

So my spiritual ride that I am trying to chose is a color of the feminine, happiness, healing, love, and the heart area of the chakras. So then all the cars were PINK  so does it mean that no matter the choice that it will bring healing and love etc. to me  or that is what I am looking for within all the various spiritual paths? Another corinky dink is the age of these cars all made in the 1950's , I was born in 56 and I am 53 , interesting? Again the answers don't seem to be readily available, again.And so it goes

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