Monday, April 6, 2009

The process of Salvation

Many Christians do not really know what Salvation really is, or means and because of that , have accepted many doctrines and traditions that are not biblical.
The salvation Christ won for us is applied to us in stages, rather than all at once. The first stage is effectual calling, when God, through the preaching of the gospel, inwardly and successfully summons the elect to faith. Effectual calling is given together with regeneration, the act of the Holy Spirit whereby He changes our sinful hearts into hearts that love and cherish Christ. Regeneration thus enables and causes the elect to respond to the Father's call, and they do so in faith and repentance. God then, at the moment the elect believe, justifies them. Justification is a legal act of God in which He forgives our sins, gives to us the righteousness of Christ, and declares us righteous in His sight.
It is important to understand that in justification we are declared righteous, but not made righteous. He declares us righteous on the basis of what Christ did, not on the basis of any good thing that is in us. The aspect of our salvation in which we are continually made more and more righteous is called sanctification. Whereas justification is an instantaneous act of God in which we are declared righteous (rather than made righteous), sanctification is a process--a process in which we are actually made righteous.
At death God completes our sanctification, and so removes all of our sins from our hearts and makes us perfectly holy. But even though our sanctification is complete at death, our salvation is not yet complete because we are still without our glorified resurrection bodies. These are given in the final stage of the application of our salvation, which is glorification. Then our salvation will be fully applied to us, and we will live forever in the new heavens and new earth as glorified saints, enjoying all of the benefits of salvation that Christ won for us.
Glorification is the resurrection of our bodies to eternal glory Here is a very significant, yet often ignored, truth of the Bible: Our bodies will one day be raised! Christianity does not teach the immortality of the soul--the belief that our bodies are like prisons, and thus death is a great blessing to liberate us from these prisons so that we can continue living forever as disembodied spirits. Rather, Christianity teaches the resurrection of the body. As the apostle's creed says, "We believe in the resurrection of the body." Our bodies are not prisons, but are part of who we are. Of course our souls will live forever. But they will live forever in our bodies, not apart from them.
And on another vein of thought, concerning those who do not accept the life offered to us by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, what happens to them? Well those not found written in the Lamb's Book of Life,which is the book where our names are written in when we confess and believe in Jesus Christ and what He did for us, if their names are not there they are cast into the Lake of Fire, which is the second death (Rev. 20:12-15). These unsaved people get just what they have actually chosen. They lived life on earth as though there was nothing else to look forward to, and the wages of their sin is death. To say that they have willingly chosen everlasting burning is ludicrous, but it is clear that most people choose to live for this life alone. In the same way that they chose to live, they are essentially given no afterlife. However, some of us are saved from death in the Lake of Fire. We are saved from what we very clearly deserve.
All of us are given this life we have now as a gift of God, this is all we get ,you can live it as you choose to live it, you really can do as you please, living life large as they say, eat, drink and be merry and then you die. This is truly God's gift to us, we never existed before our life,and now we do, all by the Grace of God. But if you want more out of this life, to know the purpose of this life and to know our Maker and have eternal life, then you must meet the requirements of the Life Giver and that is living our life as God says to live it, He made us and it is His rules we must go by in order to have more out of this life and to have life Eternal in union with God.Many have lived with the assumptions that we are eternal beings, but that is not so.There is not even one verse in the entire Bible that teaches the supposed "immortality of the soul" doctrine so prevalent in most Christian theology. Instead, it is made very clear that only God has eternal life, and He bestows immortality only to those whom He chooses—not to everyone. And so it goes.

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