Sunday, September 27, 2009


I am  neither eternal or divine, BUT I am eternally united with Christ's divinity! The world religions teaches that you are god, but there is only One God!They teach that you are immortal, there is only one who is immortal, Christ our Lord.

I was formerly DARKNESS, BUT, now I am LIGHT in the Lord: I must now walk as a child of LIGHT. Ephesians 5:8,my paraphrase. The world walks in darkness, and gropes around in the dark trying to find its way around, without being able to see. As the world grows darker, we must with all our hearts grab for the only Light in this World, and that is Jesus Christ, and the ones who follow and obey him.

If we  trust in what the world can provide, we have absolutely no security. You know that this is a true statement especially as we see the world today,financial investments are not secure , our jobs are not secure, our relationships are not even secure. Our health is not secure, our safety is not secure, any moment we can be in an accident and our whole life changes in an instant. Face the facts in this world we are not secure! But we can find that solid rock, the mighty fortress in which to take shelter and refuge, and that is in God in Christ Jesus. The only investments that have security is the Eternal Investment in Christ.This is not spreading fear to others, the fear is already there, I am not trying to scare you into believing, you are already afraid, we are ALREADY fearful of what is happening, I am not spreading what is already here among us, I am just stating the facts. In this worlds systems there is no security, and only a fearful awareness that this is so.I don't need to scare you in to believing in Jesus Christ, you either do or you don't. I am just stating the facts, if security is what you seek, you will not find it in financial institutions, in your job or even in your marriage, it just is not there, and never has been.

I truly believe that God is  shaking the very foundations of this world. Natural disasters are on the increase, kingdoms are being toppled, war springs up everywhere.New diseases and epidemics are springing up out of no where. Scriptures warns us that such conditions would precede the second Coming of  Christ. Matthew 24.  But as Christians this should not alarm us, we should fear not.  I don't believe God is the one doing this, but it is happening because God is lifting His hand away ,  as He lifts his hand, all hell breaks out. We are not aware of what protection all of us , saint and sinner alike have been under, but as God lifts his hand from this world, evil will come in like a flood to fill the vacancy left from God's with holding His presence, which was holding evil  back. Like in the story of Job, when God made a hedge around him on every side. Job 1:10 I believe that the same holds true today and that the Tribulation is God taking down the hedges of protection, and by doing that , all hell breaks out and thus it will be.

In this day and a time such as we live in , we are being shown that in this world nothing is secure! If you place your hope on anything of this world to save you from what is to come, then you have nothing but fear and insecurity to embrace.

But as Christians our Security rest in Jesus Christ, He said there is nothing that can separate us from Him,Romans 8:35-39.There is no man  that can snatch us out of his hand. John 10:27-29. We are sealed in Him by Gods Holy Spirit Ephesians 1:13,14. Now folks that is security!

May the Lord be your rock, and your fortress, and your deliverer, May God be your rock ,refuge,shield, and horn of salvation  your only stronghold!!! Psalms 18:2

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