Friday, June 5, 2009

Are We Living in Denial?

"The problem with letting ourselves off the hook is that we also disqualify ourselves for salvation. If Jesus came to “save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21), then only those who admit and repent of their sins can be saved."

Wow is this an eye opener! I read this on a devotional. This devotion was talking about seeing sin and faults in others but not seeing or overlooking and denying the same in ourselves. If we do not see our need , we will never have our needs met in Christ. If we think we are ok , and that we do not have any problems in our character that need fixing, we will never get fixed, period. Jesus came for those that see their need, for those who know they are not perfect, who knows that they really do not measure up, those souls who are honest with themselves, these are the one's Jesus came to help. Those who live their lives thinking they are perfect and have healthy characters, usually are the ones who really need the help, but because they do not see their faults or choose to believe the lie they tell themselves will never truly live an abundant life in Christ. We are all guilty of self deception and it is an evil trap we get ourselves into. We must endeavor to see the traps we set up for ourselves, we must be wise to the deceptions and the lies that the Deceiver hurls at us. We must always be diligent to the schemes of the devil and of ourselves. Let us come to the truthful conclusion of the matter, that yes , we really need help and that we really need His salvation every day of our lives.

"Lord I am well aware of my need for your salvation, I know I don't measure up to who I should be, Lord only by your Spirit am I ever able to live an abundant life here on earth. Lord save me from my sins, my faults, and my self deceptions. Lord, heal me , take my hand and guide me in the way I should go, because I really do need help in finding my way, for I am truly lost and many times I am unaware of the dangers that are lurking in the shadows. Lord I need your angels to watch over me and my loved ones, Lord I need you and I thank you for your salvation today and every day."

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