Friday, May 15, 2009


Christianity is different from other religions in that the prime suspect, God resides within the believer or follower in this religion through His Holy Spirit.In most other religions ,the gods either represents the forces of nature, or are no better than their followers ,in fact many are worse than ordinary humans ,the gods have many moral dilemmas and are definitely not perfect beings, or they dwell somewhere outside of the follower, or they are some universal unknown consciousness without personhood.Not so in Christianity God came down to us in the form of a man Jesus Christ, experience the human condition, and did something about it, you just can not compare that with any other gods. Within Christianity, the believer is transformed not by what they try to do to better themselves but they are transformed by God Himself from the inside out. Other religions have all kinds of rituals, and ceremonies, or works that one must do to appease their gods or to be accepted, even in many denominations within Christianity that do not understand that there is nothing we can do , nothing at all to change our nature into something that is holy without the Spirit of God doing that for us.In Christianity God is interested in each person and enables each person to live as God would have us live as holy unto Him. In Christianity we have a written code inspired of God to assist us in all of our endeavors, a word that assist us in knowing how God works in the world and within individuals. By the word, the Bible, we are given the needed information into what the will of God is and who God is. We do not have that in other religions.

Many would say that the bible keeps God in a box, but what the bible does is show us that each individual character that is written about within the bible, was dealt with in ways that were unique to them. God requires the same from all of us, but the ways and means of carrying that out is unique to each believer. Some are told not to do some things, others are not. The Christian path is molded to the unique personality of the believer and their personal walk, and development on their journey.Christianity is not a one size fits all conformity that many believe it to be. Yes we are asked to conform to the image of Christ, but in ways that are unique to each of us individually . Yes all the laws apply to us in that we do not murder, commit adultery and so forth,but the amazing thing is that God transforms us with our person-hood still intact, we don't lose our sense of self and who we are, but that Who we are is changed for the better ,our personality ,our laugh, our mannerism, those things that make us who we are remain but are perfected and molded into the perfection of God that we were always meant to be. In a marriage a man and woman commit to be in relationship with each other the ideal is that we are in partnership with one another but we are not to lose our identity within the relationship , but that the 'relationship' becomes our purpose together.The wife should still have her personality and the husband has his ,but they join together and each fills in where the other may lack to make a whole unified being.

You just do not find this sort of relationship with God in any other religion. Within Christianity we are co -labors with Christ, we are in partnership with Christ,we become a unified being with Christ.
In Christianity God is lovingly concerned with our welfare, and is interested in all aspects of our being.God accepts us as we are, we do not need to change one thing about ourselves to make God love us, we come to God as we are, and we thank God that He does not leave us in that condition but perfects us as we continue on in relationship with Him until we die. Christianity is truly a unique experience with God, and no other religions come close to it.
for what it is worth,

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