Saturday, July 10, 2010


Florida school district bans Bibles on Religious Freedom Day
— posted by jeff kunerth on July, 1 2010 2:43 PM
Maitland-based Liberty Counsel filed a lawsuit Thursday to overturn a ban on Bible distribution on public school campuses in Collier County. According to the Liberty Counsel, the Collier County School Board allowed World Changers to distribute free Bibles to students during off-school hours on Religious Freedom Day, but now the school officials claim that Bibles do not provide any educational benefit to the students and the distribution should stop.

The Collier County School District policy specifically allows the distribution of literature by nonprofit organizations, but only with the approval of the superintendent and the Community Request Committee, whose members are appointed by the superintendent. Approval was denied to World Changers, despite the fact that its distribution included a disclaimer of any school endorsement or sponsorship and that receiving a Bible was purely voluntary.

“How sad that on the eve of Independence Day, when we celebrate the religious and political freedom our forefathers won for us at the cost of much blood and great sacrifice, we are compelled to sue to protect the right simply to make free Bibles available to students in public schools,” said Mathew D. Staver, Liberty Counsel founder.

Click here to read the lawsuit: :
You know I have no problems about giving Bibles to people, but I do have problems giving them to children on school property. If you want to give away bibles, ok, do so, but keep the lines of Church and State separate and don't go behind parents backs in doing so. We cry out in outrage, that parents are being by passed with allowing children to have sex education or abortions without parents input and  knowing about it, but it is ok to give out bibles to kids on school grounds knowing how this is not the way to go about spreading the Gospel.
To spread the Gospel, one must first live it! One must be willing to be led of God to whomever God wants to reveal himself to. It is God who draws each of us to him, we can not go forcing the issue upon people and children who have not asked for it . People know where churches are, they know where Christians live and they have Internet and can Google what ever they wish. Let people make their own choices. Stop forcing people to hear the Gospel , if they are not ready , more harm than good is done. If a person is in 'seeker' mode, God and the Holy Spirit is more than able to get that person to the right servant of God who God has already prepared in advance for such a meeting.
These kinds of things done by church who apparently do not trust God to do the job right, cause more harm than good.
If you must hand out bibles, place them in public areas and let people decide for themselves if they want one. To shove a bible into the face of a young child can be scary especially if the people doing the shoving are forceful and if a child chooses not to take one, many  of these supposed Christians will scream out 'your going to hell' if they don't take one. Really folks, use the common sense God has given you, and the common courtesy to allow each of us to make our own decisions when it comes to religion.
Reading about this issue from both sides I can see why the unbelievers are so against the Christian community. They see the Christian religion being shoved down peoples throats and it really does not look good. Many Christians are calling this religious persecution, how so? If you were not breaking the law then you wouldn't be persecuted. These folks knew that what they were doing was wrong and to do so anyway and then get stopped in their tracks is not persecution, go to any third world country to see what real persecution looks like! These people get killed just for converting to Christianity! Here we in America just force people to become converts, no that is not persecution. Many in the Christian communities are believing that their rights are being taken from them, no , it is just that Christians never really had the rights to do many of the things they are use to doing and many folks are tired of how things have been and are now setting it right. Get use to it.
Please live the Gospel and be open to God's leading. And let the Holy Spirit lead people to you.
for what it is worth.

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