Wednesday, February 17, 2010


All Christians are called into the full time Ministry, as a Christian I bet many of us did not know this, we thought only a few are called to minister full time . Many Christians will think that God is calling them to something more than what they are now doing. The fact of the matter GOD is calling ALL Christians into more than they are now doing , 'they', all of us, are being called to be FULL TIME Christians, and that means we are all ministers of Reconciliation. We are all called to minister to one another.
Many of us think that to be a full time Minister of Christ means a full time paying job as a Pastor or some other job that will pay you for  ministering the free gift of Salvation of Christ so you can quit your 'secular' job and live off the proceeds that come in to preach the gospel to others,or to feed the hungry. In fact there are many Evangelist living off of the money that would otherwise feed quite a few hungry, and clothe many that are naked and shelter many that are homeless. Is this truly what it means to be in full time ministry?  Many of these so called Ministers in their fancy jets, houses , cars and clothes think that God has called them to live off the proceeds that would best be used somewhere  else where it would really do others good. Think again.

Listen, the loftiest spiritual service that any of us dream of doing, will never cause us to neglect our most so called 'secular'  earthly duties. Does not the word tell us that if we are not faithful in our earthly duties our so called 'secular' lives, why would GOD  commit spiritual things  to us? Paul's letters reminds us   of the spiritual realities but always ends with our earthly responsibility. This is why he urged people to remain where they are when they are first called. That is to say, if you are a husband or wife then love your spouse.  If you are a parent then love your children, raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Be there for them. I don't know how many lives of these so called Ministers that I have read about who has neglected their greatest calling, their families for the Gospel. If you will not take care of your family, no matter what spiritual excuse you offer, you are worse than a non believer. And does not Paul inform us that if we will not work, we will not eat? Somehow we have gotten way off course and have lost our way when it comes to the practical side of living and working as a Believer. We must heed Paul's counsel, and it is sound advise. His example was to work with his own hands to provide his own support so he could make the Good News available without charge! The Church for a couple thousand years has sold the Gospel and lived off the poor instead of the other way around.No wonder the non believers find Christianity to be a sham. What a different contrast we see in the word of those who gave and worked freely for the Gospel and took care of their families , gave to the poor and homeless than to those who were the false apostles  that Paul speaks about in his letters to the churches,these lazy , con artists ," claiming all the support they could muster and refusing to work, eating and drinking everyone else's groceries, robbing the widows and making merchandise of the Good News." Yet this is precisely what many who claim a "full-time" ministry do today.
A MINISTER of Christ is first and foremost the Servant of the Lord, and a servant to others , and if we do not know what being a minister really means we  need to return to the Bible and find out through the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, Paul, and everyone else mentioned within the sacred pages. As Christ followers we ALL have been called to  serve and minister  the Good News to all  people around us where we live, work and play. As a wife I am called of God to be a minister to my family, to my children, to my husband, and to my extended family. I am called to be a minister of the Gospel in what ever my job is at this present moment. We are all 'Missionaries' and it starts first at home and as we develop and learn we will find our areas of influence will grow as we begin to be faithful in the little things. Many Christians will leave their jobs and go on the road preaching the Gospel and leave their families to fend for themselves, and folks this should not be.

The ministry of One-Anothering doesn't require a platform, a pulpit, a building, a budget, or a Board. You can start immediately, with no training and with no experience, and you don't have to quit your job or do anything dramatic. You cannot be voted in, and you cannot be voted out. The Life you possess qualifies you to be in the full-time ministry of One-Anothering. Your wounds are your credentials. You can go to your brothers and sisters right now and say, "The Lord has called me to the ministry, and I am beginning it today." Love, pray for, encourage, and serve the saints. So many times we have observed individuals who claim to be called to some great work but they neglect the basic principles of One-Anothering. There is no competition for the lowest position, so let all who love the Lord go there first and become a servant.

So what if we can't preach, teach, or sing? Is that all there is to the Lord's work? Hardly. You could begin a ministry of affirmation. Just make it your mission to encourage everyone you meet, building them up in the Lord. Most people tear each other down, so determine in God that you will lift up and encourage the Church at every opportunity. Keep a list of addresses and every so often send them a little note. That is a simple way to start. The possibilities are endless!
You see, ministry is not some great, profound, extraordinary thing, but ordinary things done in an extraordinary way.
Whatever our age or stage of spiritual growth we are called to the Ministry of One-Anothering. It is a rewarding call. Only let us walk in love and work diligently according to the Law of Life (not in our own strength) and we will do well. Let us learn to buy up the opportunities and redeem the time. The servants are not greater than their Master, but the servants may aspire to be as their Master. I pray the Lord will raise up more servants as a result of these words. Amen.I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
©2010 TheSchoolOfChrist.Org. Permission is granted for non-commercial (free) distribution provided this notice appears.

May we all be faithful in the Ministry that Christ has called all us in.
blessings and shalom in Christ

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