Saturday, January 30, 2010


My Mother-n-Law had another spell a few days ago and off to the emergency room and then to the Behavior unit  a 100 miles away to adjust the Alzheimer's medication, this time she will be placed in a Assisted living center that has an Alzheimer's Unit. We brought her back from last visit and was warned that as soon as she got home she would have problems and they were right she lasted almost a week at home, it brought on extreme depression and agitation, because it was her home but other people were doing her work, house cleaning , helping her bathe and such and she just fell apart.  So we are researching homes for her and found one about 40 miles from us.It sounds like a good place for such a condition she has, they have an Activities person 7 days a week from around 9 am to 6 pm, which is so  much better than other centers that just use medicine as restraints and they sit all day tied to a chair like I have seen in the past.I have worked in 3 nursing homes in our area  for over 15 years and  I have worked in the one Mom is going to as well. My Mother -n- law is still up and around very active, in fact I think she thinks she is working where she is now at the Behavior unit and she helps the staff with  bed making and folding clothes,they let them do  anything to keep them happy. She has worked as an in -home health care aide for many years up until about 2 and half years ago, scary to think that this demonic disease has worked so fast in her mind. I am amazed at how fast it has taken over from about 2 years ago, being diagnosed with it and now she recognizes the fact that she should know us but can not rightly figure out who we are.She can speak but we haven't a clue what she is saying, it is all jumbled up. We are trying to get her on Medicaid , oh the red tape and maneuvering we have to get through so that they don't take the family farm and homes. We thought we had it all took care of a couple of years ago with her deeding all she owns to her boys, but apparently it has to be 5 years before she goes into a Care unit for it to help it has only been less than 2 years and so we figured that out just in time with our lawyer, and yes lawyers come in handy when it is your butt they are saving, but it will cost mom- in- law 8,000 dollars for them to help.They filed today for the medicaid and hopefully all done legal and all. With Medicaid they will pay for her stay there until she dies, then they come in force to gobble up all she owes to pay it back, sweet. Hopefully she doesn't own anything now as far as they are concerned.
If you have any property or own anything you want your kids to have when you are gone, you best take care of it in some form of trust because you may not just kick the bucket you may get ill or have a stroke, cancer and what ever and have to go to a nursing home, if that happens and you haven't done the legal maneuvering then the Government at your death will take it all to pay the expenses. Are you aware that it cost over 4000 dollars a month to stay at a Nursing Home/Assisted Living Center? Even out here in small town USA, in the Urban areas I would imagine it is even more expensive. Don't think your insurance  or SSI will pay for it. So if you are over 55 and have stuff you want your kids to get instead of the Government, you best take care of business. You may think you have time, but that is not what you have. It slips away from you very quickly! I was not disabled 2 years ago, and now I can barely walk ,and I am only 53 and I don't even want to think about what would happen to me if something happened to my hubby, who is now having a lot of pain in his back................worries worries worries.
We haven't been able to visit mom in Hosp. they got around of foot of snow and ice before that, we have probably 4 or more inches of snow here, it is pretty to look at , but the wind is blowing and it is 12 degrees this morning, very chilly indeed.
Well time to fix breakfast.
for what it was worth,

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