Tuesday, November 9, 2010


by Neil Anderson

November 9
2 Corinthians 3:18
But we all . . . are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit

When you begin to align your goals with God's goals and your desires with God's desires, you will rid your life of a lot of anger, anxiety and depression. The homemaker who wants a happy, harmonious family is expressing a godly desire, but she cannot guarantee that it will happen. So she'd better not base her identity and sense of worth on it or she will be a basket case of anger or resentment toward her sometimes less-than-harmonious family.

Instead she could decide, "I'm going to be the wife and mother God wants me to be." That's a great goal! Is it impossible or uncertain? No, because it's also God's goal for her and nothing is impossible with God. Who can block her goal? She's the only one who can. As long as she cooperates with God's goal for her, her success is assured.

"But what if my husband has a mid-life crisis or my kids rebel?" she may object. Problems like that aren't blocking her goal of being the wife and mother God wants her to be, but they will put her goal to a serious test. If her husband ever needs a godly wife, and if her children ever need a godly mother, it's in times of trouble. Family difficulties are merely new opportunities for her to fulfill her goal of being the woman God wants her to be.

The pastor whose worth is based on his goal to win his community for Christ, have the best youth ministry in town, or increase giving to missions by 50 percent is headed for a fall. These are worthwhile desires, but they are poor goals by which to determine his worth because they can be blocked by people or circumstances. Rather he could say, "I'm going to be the pastor God wants me to be." That's a great goal because nothing can block him from achieving it.

God's basic goal for your life is character development: becoming the person God wants you to be. Because it's a godly goal, no one can block it except you.

Prayer: Lord, I want to be the person You called me to be today. Thank You that by Your grace I can be that person.

This devotional really struck a chord with me this morning. How often we base our goals on people , things, our jobs, our kids, our loves, our relationship with others,our abilities and how often they do not measure up to our expectations and our goals for them and our selves. I don't know about you but I am so guilty of this,no wonder I feel defeated, and make so many excuses for never measuring up. As a Homemaker it is very easy basing my identity and self-worth on what I do for my family and my husband and when I feel like they don't help me feel like who I want to be or when I don't seem to measure up to their or other people's standards of excellence, what a blow to one's ego. Being hit hard with Arthritis and being disabled I can no longer meet my own standards as to what or how much I should do as a Homemaker, tending the home and all that ,that requires is no longer within my abilities , what use to be a simple task, it takes a whole lot more work,time and pain to get the things done that use to be easy to do. Now it is hard as hell to do and takes every bit of my energy to do just the simple tasks I use to do, to even measure up to my ideal of perfection. That has been taken from me, by arthritis and pain, and along with that my so called 'identity' is no longer within reach. It is hard to remember the truth of the matter, we will never measure up to anyone's standards and especially to God's standard, and that is why we can thank God and our Lord Jesus Christ because only Jesus measures up to God's standard and it is only through and by and for Him that we are able to as well. Who I am in Christ is a done deal. There is not even a 'becoming' in the equation, I was made perfect already in Him , it happened when I became aware of the Grace of God in Christ and for that I am truly blessed and thankful. Now if I can only remember that.

Growing in Christ

blessings to ya

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