Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Here is a quickened word for you a believer in Jesus/Yeshua the Messiah, the Anointed of God.

Now what is   Holy Spirit? Is it a third 'personality' ? Or something altogether different than what is taught in most Christendom? Spirit is the mind of God , and now since Jesus  is with HIM at the Right Hand of God, it is also the Mind of Jesus as well. Spirit is the mind and thoughts and energy of God HIMSELF. It is the essence of THEIR mind. Is that not simple? It is the essence of their mind. Jesus said, "The Father and I are one," because their minds are so much alike. The Holy Spirit is the power that issues forth from them, and when we accept it, what does it issue forth from us in? What is the  fruit or by-product of God's mind and power in us? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, meekness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.Nothing we can boast about in doing or having,   because with out the Power of God in us we would not have the ability to produce such wonderful fruit.

It emanates directly from THEM for the express purpose of influencing us directly and personally, and that is why you can be called "the called," "the chosen," "the elect," because now child of the living God, if you are a Christian then listen closely here to a special word from God directly to You and to me, personally of all the people in this world, God chose directly to influence YOU and I. If you have been drawn to God, if You can not get God out of your thinking, If you have been changed and no longer want to do what you once did as a non believer, this is for YOU  . Remember Ephesians 2:2? Satan indirectly affects everyone on earth with his spirit. He broadcasts it forth, and it goes out in a general manner. But the relationship You now have with God is direct and personal. It does not go to everybody. It came directly to you. He sent forth His Spirit(power ,mind and thoughts). He was thinking about you, and He was creating thoughts in His mind (also spirit) about you, and what you could become, where you could fit in His Kingdom, and what He needed to do to prepare you for it. Now you need to soak that in for a while, if you do not think you are special in any way by the worlds standards, Friend and fellow sibling of God , you are indeed special to GOD!
He was thinking about you before He ever let you know, and when the time came that it was right, He sent forth His Spirit(his mind,thoughts,power and essence) and began to create you spiritually. He sent forth His mind, and began to interface with you personally. That is the difference between God's approach, and Satan's approach. Once you understand this, you will be able to thank God from your innermost being! God chose YOU to be in fellowship with Him in thought and deed,in this darkened world we live in He has made you to be Light . You have been given access to God HIMSELF, that all unbelievers do not have. And it was nothing we could have done to receive such a gift, but it was ALL GOD. We can not even have a proud thought on this because it was not that we are better than anyone else, but that when He called YOU and I  we listened and obeyed His word, when others would not. WOW what a blessing, what a gift, what love. Praise God for his love for us.
So just what is this Holy Spirit  that we have? It is the essence—it is an emanation from God's mind and thoughts to yours, how marvelous is that?!!
I don't believe the Holy Spirit is a different or separate person from God, Nor is Jesus/Yeshua a different person from God, They ARE GOD. God is the Holy Spirit and God is Jesus /Yeshua in the flesh, and God is the Parent in the Heavenly realms. They are ALL GOD.They represent different functions and workings of God.So then GOD is ONE.
I am a mother and so my children treat me as a mother and my function and workings with them would be that of a mother. I am a wife, and so my function and action and workings and relationship with my husband would be that of a wife, I am not a wife to my kids nor am I a mother to my husband. I am a daughter to my parents, so therefore my relationship with my parents would be that of a daughter , not as a mother or a wife. But in all these instances I am still ME. I am Me the Mother , Me the Wife and Me the daughter, but in all ways I am still ONE>ME. This is how I view the so called Trinity, God is All 3! But functions differently in what ever capacity God is working in but God always remains God no matter who or what God is doing.
Shalom and in HIS service.

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