Saturday, October 24, 2009


Gracious God and Yahshua my Lord, in whom I live and move and have my being, as I learn to live with this chronic pain and disability, it is my desire to  be open to your presence and mercy. God of Mercy, grant me eyes to see and ears to hear, that I may recognize your presence   Christ the Messiah through every hard passage, as I live with this illness. In the deep distress of living with this pain, may I know that You behold every moment of my pain and fear. May I know that You are with me. Surely, you behold  my trouble and misery.You see it and take it into your own hand.Lord as I live with a body that is full of pain and stiffness ,my ability to walk and do daily, what needs to be done is becoming harder and harder to do.I have discovered that my need of others and my need of knowing You and Your presence in my life grows more and more each day. But I know somehow that there is a  gift in all this as I  discover this need, though it may be completely disconcerting, I know that you are in this with me each moment of every day and I will bless You LORD at all times; and Your praise shall ever be in my mouth.This day, I ask Your blessing on those who live with the pain,disease and  illness  .I ask Your blessing on the researchers who create medicines and treatments that allow all of us  to live with pain ,disease and illness. And remember especially those who have no access to medical care Lord keep them in Your love and mercy and grace. 

Gracious God of Life and Mercy, grant me the awareness of others who live with illness ,pain and disabilities too, help me remember to lift them up in prayer when sleep evades me, when pain and discomfort awakens me in the wee hours of the night ,help me use this time to bless others in their need. Teach me to pray for those who care and tend the sick. And may my prayers bless You as well. In all this I have come to realize the brevity of human life and the awesome gift that you have given me in this very life I now have.I realize from the perspective of eternity, from the eternal now , our lives here are all to brief. But you Lord have given me the medicine of remembering that my life is short and uncertain, contingent and interdependent , living with this pain is helping me to  remember those truths.

Gentle Messiah, you brought me into being and sustain my earthly life.   I know that my days are numbered and that they are sustained by Your love and I will be received into Your arms of mercy at my end. Thank you Lord for the wisdom, insight and common sense that You have  awakened in me as a result of living with this condition and illness.Lord I thank you for the knowledge ,that I have a sacred personhood in You, Christ my Messiah, and may all Your dear ones who now are living with illness and pain, who, knowing that death may be very close, may all of them come to  know that they too have a sacred personhood in You as well.  I give You thanks, most gracious God, for those who have helped me along the way.   And I give You thanks for leading me to see the varieties of life I have known through this illness.
Ever gentle Christ, my heart is sore and heavy with all that this illness has brought into my life. Be with me in my daily life; And Lord be with all who live with pain,disabilities and chronic illness. My God and Lord , in You alone my soul  waits. Christ help me remember and realize that You dwell  in me and I dwell in  You . Grant me, gracious God,  in this moment to rest in You, to know your presence in silence and in pain and to know your love that makes me, keeps me and receives me. Lord I desire to dwell in   steadfast love of  Your own house, to seek shelter under Your gentle wing of mercy. Merciful and loving Christ, help me to know You as You are. Grant me a sure sense of Your presence and guidance, that as I walk with this illness, I may know that Your love is steadfast. In this pain and in my life I choose to  take refuge in You.Thank You Gracious Lord   my Savior for my earth angel ,My Husband Mike, for in and through him I see Your love in action for me and I am so grateful for You in him , so in closing, I lift Mike up to You ,may he see You in me, may he realize your presence, my he come to know You in a sure way , Lord have mercy on him and heal him of the pain he has been going through. Lord in all honesty we both need You in a big way in our lives, May You become a living presence in both of us. Thank You for Your gift of life and the forgiveness of our sins, thank You  for Your sacrifice ,love and mercy Amen.


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