Friday, May 8, 2009

Biblical Meditation

Meditation and Contemplation , we hear a lot about these words and practices lately especially in some circles of Christianity, is it a Pagan practice? Or is it biblical?Is it of the Devil or the Holy Spirit of God?

How does Christian meditation compare with other forms of meditation? There are various forms of meditation in our world, it is important to determine how Christian meditation compares with other forms of meditation. Christian meditation is similar to other forms of meditation in that it involves a deliberate act on our part, in carving out some of our precious time ,to set aside purposefully and with intention to ponder or think. Christian, meditation may arise naturally as we spend time prayerfully studing the Bible. The traditional meditator who often has set a certain time in their day to meditate as a way to free them self from stress and turmoil.There are two major differences, between traditional forms of meditation and Christian meditation.
In traditional forms of meditation, the individual seeks to empty one's self; in Christian meditation the believer seeks, to be filled.
In traditional meditation, the object is self, the higher self as they like to say, whereas in Christian meditation the object is God, who is high above all. During the practice of meditation, the non-christian strives to clear his or her consciousness of all thoughts, concentrating intensely until in a prescribed period of time a bare minimum of thoughts has been allowed or entertained in the consciousness. Often, a tool called a mantra is used which may be a word or a series of sounds that a person repeats continually until they are completely empty. This is supposed to achieve the ultimate relaxation and cessation of stress. When the meditator wants to obtain peace in the midst of a tumultuous situation he or she can just call to mind or repeat the mantra and the desired result is obtained.In Christian meditation, the believer seeks to fill his or her thoughts with truths about God. Christians can achieve this by focusing on the Word of God, as the psalmist said: "But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night" (Psalms 1:2). Rather than emptying himself, the Christian fills his mind with hope and encouragement from the promises that God has given in His Word or on good things that God has done for them. Or they may simply just think on the wonder and majesty of God. In so doing, the believer is assured of peace."Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things (Philippians 4:8).In seeking to reach one's higher self, the traditional meditator may achieve their goal, but has really achieved a state which has no real value. At the pinnacle of their self every individual is but base and low, since all are sinners. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Therefore there is no perfection to be obtained from within. Paul rightly said in his epistle to the Romans, "I know that nothing good lives in me…" (Romans 7:18).Jesus Christ alone is our source of righteousness and, therefore, peace. Seeking to reach one's higher self is to reach for nothing; it may achieve a state of thoughtlessness and cessation from stress, but the individual will still remain empty and unfulfilled. The only path to peace and fulfillment is through God. If an individual, with purpose and intent, will meditate on God, he will achieve the highest of heights, including joy and peace. "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you" (Isaiah 26:3).

The primary difference between pagan disciplines and Christian disciplines is WHO or what is the main focus? Other gods, self, or the One true God, and Jesus Christ? Many Christians become fearful and find fault because they think something that a Christian is doing is Pagan because Pagans do similar things ,which is similar to what is done by some Christians in the Mystical tradition so therefore they think that it is Pagan, and nothing can be further from the truth. Most religions pray to their gods, that does not make it pagan, many light candles or light incense to their gods, that doesn't make it pagan, many Pagans celebrate the seasons, and so do some Christians, that does not make it a Pagan .Many sing songs, and say affirmations , that does not make it Pagan. The difference is , who are they doing this for? Their many gods? Their 'higher self'? That would make it pagan, but when our focus is on the One true God, the Creator of All and Jesus Christ, then that makes it a Christian practice.

Not all meditation is Transcendental Meditation. In fact, the Bible commands us to meditate. In Joshua 1:8, God tells us to meditate on His word day and night so we will obey it. The words, "meditate" or "meditation" are mentioned 20 times. But meditation's association with New Age philosophy and Eastern mysticism has frightened off many Christians.In the Old Testament there are two primary Hebrew words for meditation. Haga, which means to utter, groan, meditate, or ponder. Sihach, which means to muse, rehearse in one's mind, or contemplate. These words can also be translated as dwell, diligently consider, and heed.
Meditation: One historic form of meditation that has been used by Christians since at least the 4th century is the lectio divina. It has been traditionally used in monastic religious orders and is enjoying a resurgence today. Lectio divina means "sacred reading" and has four stages: lectio (reading), meditatio (discursive meditation), oratio (effective prayer), and contemplatio (contemplation). In the lectio (reading) stage, one finds a passage and reads it deliberately. The next stage, meditatio (discursive meditation), is where one ponders the text. In the oratio (effective prayer) stage, one talks to God about the reading, asking Him to reveal the truth. In the final, contemplatio (contemplation) stage, one simply rests in God's presence.As we can see, meditation is simply pondering or thinking over something. The subject of a person's meditation, and the purpose of the meditation, is what differentiates one kind of meditation from another.What we choose to dwell on and focus our thoughts on make a profound difference in our outlook on life.We need to find out more on how to focus on "whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things" (Philippians 4:8, NASB.


I have found that Meditation and contemplation of the truths,and promises of the Bible is the BEST way to combat Depression.

Depression happens when we replace healthy thoughts with negative and debilitating thoughts which for the most part are false, and if we let depression get a hold of our minds it will affect our moods and emotions. These destructive thoughts become so embedded in our thinking that they cripple us. The longer depression goes untreated the more debilitating our lives will become. One key factor in overcoming depression is reprogramming your thinking (renewing your mind), but that can be difficult to do when you are so deep in the pit of depression that you can hardly get yourself out of the bed.I know from personal experience that when I am depressed, I don't want to do anything, I become easily bored and even though doing something or anything would alleviate the depressive boredom I can not seem to get myself to do it.How can Biblical meditation help? Christian meditation picks you up out of the pits of despair and gets you moving in the right direction towards healing and recovery. If we make it our practice and consistently meditate on the Word , I know that in many cases of depression that Christian meditation will help you to control your thoughts and renew your mind with God's word. Worry is fear and comes from not trusting God to meet your needs, depression is when we take our focus off of God and Jesus and focus our attention on self and our circumstances. What many do not understand about the process of Salvation is that it is not a one time event but a process that continues progressively until our deaths, and this process is by the continual renewing of our minds from how we use to think about life , and our circumstances and our selves to how God wants us to think and have the mind of Christ. Christian Meditation and contemplating , study, and prayer is the Holy Spirit of God's way that this is done..

In his light

Spring blessings


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