From "Christ Triumphant"by Thomas Allin - 1890
But we shall be told, that we do read of the "elect" of some who were "chosen before the foundation of the world," of being "ordained," "predestined," etc. This is all so; but when we are told that this "election" implies the endless ruin of some, we discard the thought as blasphemous, and call for proof.
The plain truth is this: God elects people (not to curse others, but) to benefit and bless the whole world! -- Christ was "elected" (for what purpose?) to be "the Savior of the world." John 4:42. The Apostles were chosen and elected to preach the gospel to all mankind, to the end that all might be blessed.
To use a well known simile, the Bible doctrine of "election" may be compared to the election of the Governor of any state, or, the President of the United States. They, it is true, are "elected" from among the people, but the object steadily kept in view , is the good of the whole. This, in our opinion, is the only just and impartial view of "election" as spoken of in the Scriptures. "
I have always had some questions on just what is meant by 'the election' or 'predestination'. In the above words, it finally makes since to me. For years I was under the impression by the Church at large that some how the 'elect of God' were some how better or more privileged than the rest of us. But what it really means is that God calls out those who He has entrusted with the Good News to tell others so that others would be blessed.I had also had the impression by many teachers in the Church that the gifts imparted to believers by the Holy Spirit some how made these people special, and from my observation many times these supposed gifts were used by these same folks to get rich by. But God never does anything so that we can be stingy with it and use it for our own personal welfare and good, the gifts of God are so that others can be blessed by them.
God is for us not against us and everything that God does is for our good, every gift bestowed upon humanity is so that by these gifts others are blessed.
So being one of the 'elect' or 'called' of God is a great responsiblity and does not in any way means that you are anymore special than the next person, but that God is calling some to bless others. We need to remember this, that God is not stingy or selfish, when God is glorified, we all get blessed in the process!
When God gives us much, much will be required of us!! God does not give His gifts and love, and healing so we can selfishly live for our selves, when we are face to face with God at the judgement, we will be held accountable for what we did with them. Let us be as unselfish as God is with us!!